Language, Family & Power
Raising Children in a Globalized World
TCKs of Asia:
Families in Global Transition:
Third Culture Stories - a podcast by TCKs of Asia (or see here)
The Traumatizing Gift: A Global Childhood - a TED Talk by Saeko Mizuta
Tanya Crossman’s recommended Resources on TCKs
Heidi Tunberg’s Pinterest board on Asian Third Culture Kids
Ellen Bialystok and others: Bilingualism: Consequences for Mind and Brain
CUNY-New York State’s Translanguaging Resources
Center for Applied Linguistics Translanguage Guide
Check out the slides for our past forums
External links to a therapist directory for 250 professional counselors and therapists in over 40 countries around the world and online who specialize in serving the internationally-mobile, TCK and expat community, including Tokyo-based counselors who speak Japanese (日本語) & Chinese (中文).
Disclaimer: We provide links as courtesy information only & are not responsible for the services offered.
BOOKS, etc.
Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds - the go-to book on the TCK experience
Books on Third Culture Kids and expat living as recommended by the Families in Global Transition, which was co-founded by Ruth Van Reken
Heidi Tunberg's pinterest boards feature an extensive collection of books and other resources relating to Third Culture Kids and their families. See also Heidi's board for TCKs: Asian Third Culture Kids
Third Culture Stories is a podcast hosted by TCKs of Asia. Recordings of our forums are available on the podcast.
A small collection of other podcast episodes on themes relevant to TCKs of Asia are also available. We will add new ones as we go, so don't forget to visit us again.
The Traumatizing Gift: a Global Childhood by Saeko Mizuta, TEDx Fullbright Tokyo
Third Culture Kids: Growing Up in a Globalized World by Ruth Van Reken, TEDx Insead
Alien Citizen: An Earth Odyssey by Elizabeth Liang
What drives a cultural interpreter? by Isabelle Min, TEDx Itaewon
Alien Citizen: An Earth Odyssey by Elizabeth Liang is a powerfully moving and super hilarious take on the experience of international mobility in childhood. It also covers the less-talked-about issues in the TCK world, such as racism, colorism, global inequality, sexual harassment and eating disorders. Read the review.
TCK Relationships and Grief by Ruth Van Reken. 'Dear Ruth, I'm still searching for my "home", mostly by traveling as far away from everyone I know ...'
Random fun stuff on music, dance, videos, chats and whatever with a TCK x Asian vibe